quarta-feira, fevereiro 16, 2005

O que os testes dizem da miúda...

Fui ao blog da Ameixa e não resisti à tentação...

Que coisa meiga você é?

You have a heartsick soul! Youre the type of girl
who always has a crush and is writing their
name on all your books. You are a hopeless
romantic. Waiting for that prince charming, you
take love seriously, but still play any chance
you get. You can have a lot if boys who are
friends, but waiting for that perfect
boyfriend. Sometimes you are discouraged
because there are no sparks but even if the
smallest thing happens, youre on Cloud 9. You
believe in true love and wait for it. Just dont
be afraid to take a chance. Love is all about

What Kind of SOUL do you posses? (For Girls only) Incredible Anime Pictures!

You came from heaven. Your gole in life is to help
others and to make the world a better place.
Some call you weak, but in reality your soul is
very strong. If only more people were like

Where did you come from?

Your a Magical Angel!Out of all the angels, you are
the one most afflicted with magic. You can do
many enchantments as well as sorcery. You cant
do black magic, because even though your not so

What Kind of ANGEL are you? (For Girls only) This Quiz has amazingly Beautiful Pictures!

Your a guardien Unicorn! All guardien Unicorns are
very powerful and loyal, but they dont like to
get caught up in human things, such as love or
friendship. They guard all sorts of things or
people, such as forests, animals, royalty,
shrines, the heavans. Guradien Unicorns are
kind and proud and their horn can be crafted
into an unbreakable sword. But you'll go
through hell to get one...

What kind of Unicorn are you? (With beautiful pictures)

E pronto! Já sei que alguns resultados são mais ou menos contraditórios, mas foi o que deu e eu não tenho nada a ver com isso! Diverti-me! Já sei que há por ali um texto incompleto, mas era assim mesmo que estava no site.


At fevereiro 16, 2005 2:43 da tarde, Blogger collectus said...

Olá :)
Finalmente aparece cor no teu blog, espero que esteja tudo bem contigo e o teu amor.
Bjs e sorrisos

At fevereiro 16, 2005 5:48 da tarde, Blogger Ameixinha Verde said...

Eu só ponho coisas giras no meu blog! :P

At fevereiro 17, 2005 5:34 da tarde, Anonymous Anónimo said...

Ola! =)
Também fiz um dos testes. O de onde é que eu tinha vindo.. Pelos vistos do céu! Os outros já tinha feito uma outra vez por isso não valia a pena! Beijos


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